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Milter filters

Milter, or "mail filter", is an extension to mail servers based on the Sendmail protocol. Milters allow third-party software to access mail messages as they are being processed in order to filter, modify, or annotate them. By using Milters, a mail server can utilize a variety of functionalities such as spam filtering, virus scanning, and other types of mail processing, beyond what is built into the mail server itself. Milters operate at the SMTP protocol level, which means they have access to both the SMTP envelope and the message contents.

When a mail is received and reaches the DATA stage, Stalwart Mail Server calls the configured Milter filters. Each Milter filter can inspect and potentially modify the message, adding, changing, or removing headers, altering the body, or even rejecting the message outright. The modifications requested by each Milter are merged, meaning that the effects of multiple Milter filters are combined. Once all Milters have been processed, the potentially modified message enters the Stalwart Mail Server queue and proceeds through the rest of the delivery process.


Milters are defined under the session.milter.<id> section and are configured using the following attributes:

  • enable: Determines whether this Milter is turned on or off. This setting can be dynamically set using expressions which allows a certain Milter to be enabled or disabled based on the specific circumstances of an SMTP transaction.
  • hostname: Hostname or IP address of the server where the Milter filter is running.
  • port: Network port on the Milter filter host server.
  • stages: This parameter is a list of stages at which this Milter will be called. The supported stages are connect, ehlo, mail, rcpt and data.
  • tls: Whether to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) for the connection between Stalwart Mail Server and the Milter filter. Usually Milters are run on the same server as the mail server, so this setting should be set to false unless the Milter filter is running on a different server
  • allow-invalid-certs: Whether Stalwart Mail Server should accept connections to a Milter filter server that has an invalid TLS certificate. If set to true, it allows connections even if the Milter filter server's certificate is expired, self-signed, or otherwise not trusted. This should generally be set to false, except perhaps in testing environments, to maintain the security of the connection.

For example, to filter messages received on the SMTP listener through both Rspamd and ClamAV using milter:

enable = [ { if = "listener = 'smtp'", then = true },
{ else = false } ]
hostname = ""
port = 11332
stages = ["connect", "ehlo", "mail", "rcpt", "data"]
tls = false
allow-invalid-certs = false

enable = [ { if = "listener = 'smtp'", then = true },
{ else = false } ]
hostname = ""
port = 15112
tls = false
allow-invalid-certs = false

Timeout settings

The timeout settings define the maximum amount of time that Stalwart Mail Server will wait for certain types of responses from a Milter. The following attributes can be configured under the session.milter.<id>.timeout section:

  • connect: Defines the maximum amount of time that Stalwart Mail Server will wait to establish a connection with a Milter server.
  • command: Determines how long Stalwart Mail Server will wait to send a command to the Milter server.
  • data: Represents the maximum amount of time Stalwart Mail Server will wait for a response from the Milter server.

For example:

connect = "30s"
command = "30s"
data = "60s"


The following configuration options for a Milter filter can be set under the session.milter.<id>.options section:

  • tempfail-on-error: If this setting is enabled, Stalwart Mail Server will respond with a temporary failure (typically a 4xx SMTP status code) when it encounters an error while communicating with a Milter server. This tells the sending mail server to try delivering the message again later.
  • max-response-size: Maximum size, in bytes, of a response that Stalwart Mail Server will accept from a Milter server. If a Milter server sends a response that exceeds this size, Stalwart Mail Server will consider it an error and handle it according to the tempfail-on-error setting.
  • version: Version of the Milter protocol that Stalwart Mail Server should use when communicating with Milter servers. Supported versions are 2 and 6. The value should be set to match the version of the Milter protocol supported by your Milter server, usually version 6.
  • flags.actions: Actions flags that Stalwart Mail Server will advertise when negotiating options with Milter server. Defaults to 0xff (255).
  • flags.protocol: Protocol flags that Stalwart Mail Server will advertise while negotiating options with Milter server. Defaults to 0x42 (66).

For example:

tempfail-on-error = true
max-response-size = 52428800 # 50mb
version = 6

actions = 255
protocol = 66


The following sections are specifically intended for developers who are creating Milter filters to interact with Stalwart Mail Server. They provide information about the actions that Stalwart Mail Server can take upon receiving instructions from a Milter filter, and the macros that Stalwart Mail Server uses to communicate specific session or message information to the Milter filter. For general users of Stalwart Mail Server, these sections can be ignored.

Supported Actions

Stalwart Mail Server supports the following actions and modifications that can be requested by a Milter filter:

SMFIR_ADDRCPT (+)Add RecipientAdds a recipient to the email
SMFIR_DELRCPT (-)Delete RecipientRemoves a recipient from the email
SMFIR_ADDRCPT_PAR (2)Add Recipient (with ESMTP args)Adds a recipient to the email, including ESMTP arguments
SMFIR_SHUTDOWN (4)ShutdownReturn a 421 shutdown code
SMFIR_ACCEPT (a)AcceptAccepts the email
SMFIR_REPLBODY (b)Replace BodyReplaces the body of the email
SMFIR_CONTINUE (c)ContinueContinues with the email
SMFIR_DISCARD (d)DiscardDiscards the email
SMFIR_CHGFROM (e)Change FromChanges the envelope sender of the email
SMFIR_CONN_FAIL (f)Connection FailureCauses a connection failure
SMFIR_ADDHEADER (h)Add HeaderAdds a header to the email
SMFIR_INSHEADER (i)Insert HeaderInserts a header in the email
SMFIR_SETSYMLIST (l)Set Symbol ListSets a list of symbols or macros
SMFIR_CHGHEADER (m)Change HeaderChanges a header in the email
SMFIR_PROGRESS (p)ProgressIndicates progress
SMFIR_QUARANTINE (q)QuarantineQuarantines the email
SMFIR_REJECT (r)RejectRejects the email
SMFIR_SKIP (s)SkipSkip rest of body, send EOB
SMFIR_TEMPFAIL (t)Temporary FailureReturn a temporary failure
SMFIR_REPLYCODE (y)Reply CodeReply with a given SMTPy code, etc.

Supported Macros

Macros are variables that are used to communicate specific session or message information between the mail server and the Milter application. When the MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) starts a Milter application, it sends an initial set of predefined macros. The specific macros sent can change throughout the SMTP transaction, providing different context at each stage (e.g., connection, helo, mail, rcpt, data, end-of-header, and end-of-message).

For instance, macros can provide information about the client's IP address, the authenticated user, the message's sender and recipient addresses, and more. The Milter application can use these macro values to make decisions about how to process or modify the message or even whether to accept the message at all.

Stalwart Mail Server supports the following macros:

Macro NameExplanation
iQueue ID
jLocal hostname
_Validated client name
{auth_authen}SASL login name
{auth_author}SASL sender
{auth_type}SASL method
{client_addr}Client address
{client_connections}Number of client connections
{client_name}Client name
{client_port}Client port
{client_ptr}Client pointer
{cert_issuer}Certificate issuer
{cert_subject}Certificate subject
{cipher_bits}Cipher bits
{daemon_addr}Daemon address
{daemon_name}Daemon name
{daemon_port}Daemon port
{mail_addr}Mail address
{mail_host}Mail host address
{mail_mailer}Mail mailer
{rcpt_addr}Recipient address
{rcpt_host}Recipient host
{rcpt_mailer}Recipient mailer
{tls_version}TLS version