📄️ Overview
In the realm of email communication, ensuring that messages are transmitted securely over the internet is paramount to protect against interception and tampering. Two critical technologies that enhance the security of email transport are DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) and Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS).
DNS-Based Authentication for TLS (DANE) is a security protocol that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to secure the authenticity of a server’s certificate. It allows a client to check if the certificate presented by a server matches the certificate stored in the DNS. This helps to prevent man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks and to provide an additional layer of security compared to traditional certificate authorities.
MTA-STS, or Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security, is a security mechanism for email systems to protect against eavesdropping and tampering of emails during transmission. It is designed to ensure that email is sent and received over secure connections, such as TLS.
📄️ TLS Reporting
TLS Reporting is a mechanism for reporting on the certificate validation outcomes performed by a mail transfer agent (MTA), such as Stalwart Mail Server. It allows the recipient of an email to receive reports on the validity of the certificate used to secure the transport of the email, including information such as whether the certificate was valid, expired, or revoked. The goal of TLS Reporting is to provide a way to detect and address security issues with the certificates used to secure email communication, to ensure that email communication is secure and trustworthy. The reports can also be used to identify and correct misconfigurations of the sending MTA, and to improve the overall security of email communication.