📄️ Overview
This section covers the configuration and management of the storage system. Stalwart offers maximum flexibility by supporting four distinct types of storage, each catering to different aspects of server operation. These are the data store, blob store, full-text search store, and in-memory store:
📄️ Data store
In Stalwart Mail Server, the data store is where e-mail metadata, folders, settings, and most data is kept. It is important to note that the data store does not hold email messages, sieve scripts, or other large binary files. These are managed separately by the blob store to optimize performance and manageability.
📄️ Blob store
The blob store is where large binary objects such as emails, sieve scripts, and other files are stored. All objects stored in the blob store are identified by a unique identifier known as a blob ID. This ID is used to reference the object in the data store and calculated using the BLAKE3#BLAKE3) hash of the object's contents. This means that objects with the same content will have the same blob ID, allowing for efficient storage and deduplication.
📄️ Full-text store
Stalwart Mail Server supports full-text search (FTS) capabilities that greatly improve the user experience when searching through email content. Full-text indexing can be done internally using any of the supported data store backends, or externally using a third-party solution such as ElasticSearch:
📄️ In-memory store
In-memory data stores (such as Redis) are high-performance databases that store data entirely in memory, enabling extremely fast read and write operations. These systems are often used for caching, message brokering, and as temporary storage for dynamic data that does not require long-term persistence.
🗃️ Backends
12 items
🗃️ Lookup lists
3 items