📄️ Overview
Stalwart Mail Server uses the TOML format for its configuration. TOML, short for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language, is a configuration file format that is easy to read due to its clear semantics. It is designed for unambiguous parsing, allowing both humans and machines to easily understand its structure. TOML files organize configuration into key-value pairs, tables, arrays, and nested structures, making it versatile for a wide range of applications. This format ensures that the Stalwart Mail Server's configuration is both accessible and maintainable, facilitating straightforward setup and adjustments.
📄️ Macros
Macros in the configuration files allow you to dynamically assign values based on various sources, including environment variables, other configuration settings, and the contents of local text files. Macros are particularly useful for reducing redundancy, simplifying configuration management, and integrating external or environment-specific values directly into your configuration.
🗃️ Values
9 items
🗃️ Expressions
4 items
📄️ Variables
Context or environment variables may be used in certain settings of the configuration file that accept expressions. The available context variables for evaluation vary depending on the setting and can include: