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Stalwart Mail Server includes a built-in HTTP server, which primarily serves two functions: handling JMAP (JSON Meta Application Protocol) requests and processing requests to the REST management API. JMAP is a modern, JSON-based API for synchronizing emails, contacts, calendars, and tasks. In addition to JMAP, Stalwart's HTTP server provides a RESTful management API. This API offers administrators a convenient way to configure and manage the mail server's operations remotely.


The server.http.url setting is an expression that specifies the URL of the HTTP server. It is essential for guiding clients to the correct address when they make .well-known requests for the JMAP (JSON Meta Application Protocol) and OAuth resources. It is returned to clients as part of the discovery process, enabling them to configure themselves with the appropriate service URLs for JMAP access or initiating OAuth authentication flows.

If unspecified, the server will use the following setting:

url = "protocol + '://' + key_get('default', 'hostname') + ':' + local_port"

Response headers

The server.http.headers configuration option allows administrators to specify custom HTTP headers that the JMAP server should include in its responses. This can be beneficial for various purposes, including setting security policies, caching behaviors, or adding custom identification headers. The jmap.http.headers option accepts an array of string values. Each string value represents a full HTTP header in the format Header-Name: Header-Value.

For example:

headers = ["Cache-Control: max-age=3600", "Server: Stalwart JMAP"]

While this option provides flexibility in customizing response headers, administrators should exercise caution. Setting or overriding specific headers could impact the behavior of clients or intermediary systems that interact with the JMAP server. Always consult relevant documentation and ensure the desired behavior before setting custom headers.

Use Forwarded IP

When running Stalwart Mail Server behind a proxy such as Cloudflare or Amazon CloudFront, the server needs to be instructed to obtain the client's IP address from the Forwarded or X-Forwarded-For HTTP header rather than from the socket source address (which most likely is the proxy's address). This setting should not be enabled when the proxy protocol is being used.

This can be done by setting the server.http.use-x-forwarded parameter to true, for example:

use-x-forwarded = false

Care must be taken when enabling this feature. It should only be used if Stalwart is behind a trusted proxy. Untrusted sources can easily forge these headers, potentially leading to security vulnerabilities or incorrect logging information. When not using a proxy server, make sure that this parameter is set to false to avoid malicious clients from forging their source IP address.

Permissive CORS Policy

CORS, or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, is a security feature implemented by web browsers to control how web pages in one domain (origin) can request and interact with resources in a different domain. It's designed to safeguard against potentially harmful cross-site request behaviors that could compromise user data or website integrity.

Web pages make requests to servers using the XMLHttpRequest or Fetch APIs. By default, web browsers restrict these requests to the same origin for security reasons. However, there are legitimate scenarios where a web page from one domain needs to request resources from another domain (e.g., loading fonts, accessing APIs). CORS provides a mechanism for servers to tell browsers which cross-origin requests should be allowed.

The server communicates its CORS policy to the browser through specific HTTP headers. The browser then decides whether to allow the web page to make the cross-origin request based on these headers. For example, if a web page from tries to fetch data from, the server at would need to include the appropriate CORS headers in its response to allow this.

A permissive CORS policy might be necessary when managing Stalwart Mail Server using a webadmin interface hosted on a different domain. To set a permissive CORS policy that allows any origin to access the resources on the server, you would need to set the server.http.permissive-cors headers to true. Here's how you can set this in the configuration file:

permissive-cors = true

However, while this is the most permissive setting and allows any website to interact with the server, it can introduce security risks. When setting such a permissive policy, it's crucial to be aware of the potential implications and ensure that the server doesn't expose sensitive data or operations without proper authentication and authorization checks.