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Functions are integral components of expressions in Stalwart Mail Server. They perform specific operations on one or more operands (parameters) and are used to construct dynamic and powerful expressions for evaluating conditions and generating dynamic values. Functions can vary in the number of parameters they require, from zero to multiple, and each has a distinct purpose in processing and decision-making logic.

A function in an expression typically follows this syntax:

function_name(parameter1, parameter2, ...)

Where function_name is the name of the function being called, and parameter1, parameter2, etc., are the inputs to the function. Functions can perform a variety of operations, from simple string comparisons to more complex data manipulations.

Supported Functions

The following functions are available for use in expressions in Stalwart Mail Server:

Directory Functions


  • Description: Determines if a given domain name is recognized as a local domain within a specified directory or the default directory if none is specified.
  • Arguments: 2 (Directory ID, Domain Name)
  • Example: is_local_domain("", "") would check if is a local domain using the default directory and return true if it is.


  • Description: Checks if a specific email address is associated with a local user in a specified directory or the default directory if none is specified.
  • Arguments: 2 (Directory ID, Email Address)
  • Example: is_local_address("", "[email protected]") would verify if [email protected] is a local address using the default directory and return true if it is.

In-Memory Store Functions


  • Description: Retrieves the value associated with a given key from a specified in-memory store or the default in-memory store if none is specified.
  • Arguments: 2 (In-Memory Store ID, Key Name)
  • Example: key_get("", "config_param") would retrieve the value of config_param from the default in-memory store.


  • Description: Checks if a given key exists within a specified in-memory store or the default in-memory store if none is specified.
  • Arguments: 2 (In-Memory Store ID, Key Name)
  • Example: key_exists("", "config_param") would check for the existence of config_param in the default in-memory store and return true if it exists.


  • Description: Sets the value of a specified key in an in-memory store, creating the key if it does not exist.
  • Arguments: 3 (In-Memory Store ID, Key Name, Value)
  • Example: key_set("", "config_param", "new_value") would set the value of config_param to new_value in the default in-memory store.


  • Description: Retrieves the current value of a counter from a specified in-memory store or the default in-memory store if none is specified.
  • Arguments: 2 (In-Memory Store ID, Counter Name)
  • Example: counter_get("", "email_count") would retrieve the current value of the email_count counter from the default in-memory store.


  • Description: Increments the value of a specified counter in an in-memory store by a specified amount, creating the counter if it does not exist.
  • Arguments: 3 (In-Memory Store ID, Counter Name, Increment Value)
  • Example: counter_incr("", "email_count", 1) would increment the value of the email_count counter by 1 in the default in-memory store.

SQL Store Functions


  • Description: Executes an SQL query against a specified in-memory store and returns the result.
  • Arguments: 3 (Data Store ID, Query, Arguments)
  • Example: sql_query("", "SELECT disk_usage FROM quotas WHERE user = ? AND domain = ?", [authenticated_as, rcpt_domain]) would retrieve the value of the disk_usage column from the SQL database.

DNS Functions


  • Description: Performs a DNS query for the specified record name and type, returning the content of the DNS record if found. This function can query for various DNS record types, such as 'A' (address record) or 'MX' (mail exchange record).
  • Arguments: 2 (Record Name, Record Type)
  • Example: dns_query("", "mx") would perform an MX record lookup for and return the record's contents.

These functions expand the capabilities of Stalwart Mail Server, allowing for dynamic interactions with local directories, key-value stores, and DNS records. By utilizing these functions, administrators can implement sophisticated logic for email routing, filtering, and verification based on domain, address validity, configuration parameters, and DNS lookup results.

Text Functions


  • Description: Removes whitespace from both ends of a string.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: trim(" hello ") would return "hello".


  • Description: Removes whitespace from the end of a string.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: trim_end("hello ") would return "hello".


  • Description: Removes whitespace from the start of a string.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: trim_start(" hello") would return "hello".


  • Description: Returns the length of a string.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: len("hello") would return 5.


  • Description: Converts a string to lowercase.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: to_lowercase("HELLO") would return "hello".


  • Description: Converts a string to uppercase.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: to_uppercase("hello") would return "HELLO".


  • Description: Checks if a string is entirely in uppercase.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: is_uppercase("HELLO") would return true.


  • Description: Checks if a string is entirely in lowercase.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: is_lowercase("hello") would return true.


  • Description: Determines if a string contains any numeric digits.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: has_digits("hello2") would return true.


  • Description: Counts the number of spaces in a string.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: count_spaces("hello world") would return 1.


  • Description: Counts the number of uppercase letters in a string.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: count_uppercase("Hello World") would return 2.


  • Description: Counts the number of lowercase letters in a string.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: count_lowercase("Hello World") would return 8.


  • Description: Counts the number of characters in a string.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: count_chars("hi there") would return 7.


  • Description: Checks if a string contains a specified substring.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Substring)
  • Example: contains("Hello World", "World") would return true.


  • Description: Checks if a string contains a specified substring, ignoring case.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Substring)
  • Example: contains_ignore_case("Hello World", "world") would return true.


  • Description: Checks if two strings are equal, ignoring case differences.
  • Arguments: 2 (String1, String2)
  • Example: eq_ignore_case("hello", "HELLO") would return true.


  • Description: Checks if a string starts with a specified substring.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Substring)
  • Example: starts_with("Hello World", "Hello") would return true.


  • Description: Checks if a string ends with a specified substring.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Substring)
  • Example: ends_with("Hello World", "World") would return true.


  • Description: Splits a string into an array of lines.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: lines("hello\nworld") would return ["hello", "world"].


  • Description: Extracts a substring from a string using start and end indices.
  • Arguments: 3 (String, Start Index, End Index)
  • Example: substring("hello world", 0, 5) would return "hello".


  • Description: Removes a specified prefix from a string if it exists.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Prefix)
  • Example: strip_prefix("hello world", "hello ") would return "world".


  • Description: Removes a specified suffix from a string if it exists.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Suffix)
  • Example: strip_suffix("hello world", " world") would return "hello".


  • Description: Splits a string by a delimiter into an array.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Delimiter)
  • Example: split("hello,world", ",") would return ["hello", "world"].


  • Description: Splits a string by a delimiter into an array, starting from the right.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Delimiter)
  • Example: rsplit("", ".") would return ["hello", "world", "com"].


  • Description: Splits a string by a delimiter into two parts at the first occurrence.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Delimiter)
  • Example: split_once("key=value=extra", "=") would return ["key", "value=extra"].


  • Description: Splits a string by a delimiter into two parts at the last occurrence.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Delimiter)
  • Example: rsplit_once("key=value=extra", "=") would return ["key=value", "extra"].


  • Description: Splits a string by a delimiter into an array with a maximum number of splits.
  • Arguments: 3 (String, Delimiter, Max Splits)
  • Example: split_n("a,b,c,d", ",", 2) would return ["a", "b", "c,d"].


  • Description: Splits a string into an array of words.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: split_words("hello world") would return ["hello", "world"].

Array Functions



  • Description: Sorts an array according to the specified order (ascending or descending).
  • Arguments: 2 (Array, IsAscendent (Bool))
  • Example: sort(["z", "a", "b"], true) would return ["a", "b", "z"].


  • Description: Removes duplicate elements from an array.
  • Arguments: 1 (Array)
  • Example: dedup(["a", "b", "a"]) would return ["a", "b"].


  • Description: Filters empty elements in an array.
  • Arguments: 1 (Array)
  • Example: winnow(["a", "", "b", ""]) would return ["a", "b"].


  • Description: Checks if two arrays have any elements in common.
  • Arguments: 2 (Array1, Array2)
  • Example: is_intersect(["a", "b"], ["b", "c"]) would return true.

Email Functions


  • Description: Determines if the given string is a valid email address.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: is_email("[email protected]") would return true.


  • Description: Extracts a specified part of an email address (e.g., local part, domain).
  • Arguments: 2 (Email, Part)
  • Example: email_part("[email protected]", "domain") would return "".

Miscellaneous Functions


  • Description: Generates a hash of the input string using the specified algorithm.
  • Arguments: 2 (String, Algorithm)
  • Example: hash("hello", "sha256")


  • Description: Checks if the given value is empty.
  • Arguments: 1 (Value)
  • Example: is_empty("") would return true.


  • Description: Determines if the given string represents a number.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: is_number("123") would return true.


  • Description: Checks if the given string is a valid IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: is_ip_addr("") would return true.


  • Description: Determines if the given string is a valid IPv4 address.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: is_ipv4_addr("") would return true.


  • Description: Checks if the given string is a valid IPv6 address.
  • Arguments: 1 (String)
  • Example: is_ipv6_addr("2001:db8::") would return true.


  • Description: Generates the reverse DNS notation for an IP address.
  • Arguments: 1 (IP Address)
  • Example: ip_reverse_name("") would return "".


  • Description: Conditional operation returning one of two values based on a condition.
  • Arguments: 3 (Condition, True Value, False Value)
  • Example: if_then(is_empty(value), "empty", "not empty")


  • Description: Retrieves the value of a configuration parameter.
  • Arguments: 1 (Parameter Name)
  • Example: config_get("server.hostname")