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The Group principal type in Stalwart Mail Server represents a collection of individual users and potentially other groups. Groups function similarly to regular accounts in that they can receive emails, but they differ in a few important ways: group accounts cannot log in to the mail server using IMAP, POP3, or JMAP. Instead, groups are designed to organize users and share resources. When an individual is added as a member of a group, they gain access to the group’s inbox, which appears as a shared folder in their email client when using IMAP or JMAP.

A group principal holds a set of fields that define its properties and how it interacts with the Stalwart Mail Server. Below are the key fields for a group principal:

  • name: The name field represents the group's identifier. This is the name used to refer to the group within the system, and it is unique to the group within its context.
  • type: Specifies the principal type. For groups, this is always set to "group", distinguishing the principal as a collection of individuals or other groups.
  • quota: Defines the storage quota allocated to the group, measured in bytes. This sets the limit on how much data (such as emails) the group can store on the server.
  • description: A human-readable description or name for the group, which may be used for display purposes. This can often be the same as the group's formal name or a more detailed label.
  • emails: A list of one or more email addresses associated with the group. Just like an individual principal, a group can have multiple email addresses or aliases to receive mail.
  • memberOf: Lists any groups that this group is a member of. Groups can be nested within other groups to simplify managing permissions and access.
  • members: Contains a list of individuals and other groups that are members of this group. These members inherit certain privileges, such as accessing the group's shared inbox.
  • tenant: Indicates the tenant to which the group belongs. This is relevant in multi-tenant environments where different organizations share the same mail server infrastructure.
  • roles: A list of roles assigned to the group. Roles help define what the group can do within the mail system, such as administrative roles or access to certain shared resources.
  • lists: Lists the mailing lists the group is a member of. This allows the group to receive messages sent to those mailing lists.
  • enabledPermissions: Specifies the permissions that are enabled for the group. These define what the group, and its members, can do within the mail server environment, such as viewing shared inboxes or managing specific settings.
  • disabledPermissions: Specifies the permissions that are explicitly disabled for the group. These limit what actions the group is allowed to perform, controlling access to certain features or resources.
  • picture: Stores the group's picture. This image can be used in email clients or within the server's management interface to visually represent the group.

Groups are a powerful feature of Stalwart Mail Server, allowing administrators to manage multiple users more efficiently by assigning shared resources, permissions, and email addresses. When individuals are added to a group, they can access the group’s inbox and messages as if they were their own, simplifying collaboration and communication across the organization.