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The request object is a JSON structure that provides all necessary information at each stage of the SMTP transaction. Below is the detailed description of each field in the request object.


The context field contains information about the current stage of the SMTP transaction, the client, server, and other relevant details.

  • stage: The current stage of the SMTP transaction. Possible values include CONNECT, EHLO, MAIL, RCPT, DATA, etc.
  • sasl: Information about the SASL authentication.
    • login: The username used for authentication.
    • method: The authentication method used.
  • client: Information about the client making the SMTP request.
    • ip: The IP address of the client.
    • port: The port number used by the client.
    • ptr: The PTR record of the client.
    • ehlo: The EHLO/HELO string sent by the client.
    • activeConnections: The number of active connections from this client.
  • tls: Information about the TLS connection.
    • version: The TLS version used.
    • cipher: The cipher suite used for the connection.
    • cipherBits: The number of bits in the cipher.
    • certIssuer: The issuer of the client's certificate.
    • certSubject: The subject of the client's certificate.
  • server: Information about the server handling the SMTP request.
    • name: The name of the server.
    • port: The port number on which the server is listening.
    • ip: The IP address of the server.
  • queue: Information about the email queue.
    • id: The unique identifier of the queue.
  • protocol: Information about the protocol version.
    • version: The version of the protocol.


The envelope field contains information about the email envelope, including the sender and recipients.

  • from: Information about the sender.
    • address: The email address of the sender.
    • parameters: Additional parameters associated with the sender.
  • to: A list of recipients.
    • address: The email address of the recipient.
    • parameters: Additional parameters associated with the recipient.


The message field contains the headers and contents of the email message.

  • headers: A list of email headers. Each header is represented as a list with two elements: the header name and the header value.
  • serverHeaders: A list of headers added by the server. Each header is represented as a list with two elements: the header name and the header value.
  • contents: The body of the email message.
  • size: The size of the email message in bytes.


Below is an example of a request object received by the MTA hooks API:

"context": {
"stage": "DATA",
"sasl": {
"login": "user",
"method": "plain"
"client": {
"ip": "",
"port": 34567,
"ptr": "",
"ehlo": "",
"activeConnections": 1
"tls": {
"version": "1.3",
"cipher": "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
"cipherBits": 256,
"certIssuer": "Let's Encrypt",
"certSubject": ""
"server": {
"name": "Stalwart Mail Server",
"port": 25,
"ip": ""
"queue": {
"id": "1234567890"
"protocol": {
"version": "1.0"
"envelope": {
"from": {
"address": "[email protected]",
"parameters": {
"size": 12345
"to": [
"address": "[email protected]",
"parameters": {
"orcpt": "rfc822; [email protected]"
"address": "[email protected]",
"parameters": null
"message": {
"headers": [
"John Doe <[email protected]>"
"Bill <[email protected]>, Jane <[email protected]>"
"Hello, World!"
"serverHeaders": [
"from ( []) by (Stalwart Mail Server) with ESMTPS id 1234567890"
"contents": "Hello, World!\r\n",
"size": 12345