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Strings can be represented in a few different ways:

  • Basic Strings: A basic string is represented by a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes ". For example, "Hello, world!".
  • Multiline Strings: Multiline strings are represented by a sequence of characters enclosed in triple quotes """. This type of string can span multiple lines and preserve line breaks within the string. For example,
multiline_string = """
This is a multiline
string in TOML format.
  • Literal Strings: Literal strings are represented by a sequence of characters enclosed in single quotes '. This type of string is useful for representing strings that contain characters that would normally need to be escaped within a basic or multiline string, such as double quotes. For example, 'Hello, "world"'.

In a TOML file, strings can be used as values for keys or as elements in arrays. No matter how a string is represented in a TOML file, it must be enclosed in quotes or string literals in order to be treated as a string.