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2 posts tagged with "dmarc"

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· One min read
Mauro D.

It’s official! We are proud to announce the release of Stalwart SMTP, the next-generation email server solution written in Rust for businesses, organizations, and individuals alike.

Stalwart SMTP is a robust and secure email server that offers a comprehensive set of features to meet the needs of today’s demanding email communications. Whether you’re running a large enterprise or a small business, Stalwart SMTP is designed to handle the most complex email environments with ease.

One of the key features of Stalwart SMTP is its support for advanced email security protocols, including DMARC, DKIM, SPF, ARC, DANE, MTA-STS, and SMTP TLS reporting. This means that you can be sure that your emails are protected from spoofing and phishing attempts, and that your email messages are delivered securely to their intended recipients.

We are confident that Stalwart SMTP will meet the needs of businesses and organizations of all sizes, and we look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions. To learn more about Stalwart SMTP, visit our website and start exploring the many features and benefits of this powerful email server solution.

· 3 min read
Mauro D.

Today the mail-auth library was released, which is an e-mail authentication and reporting library written in Rust that supports the DKIM, ARC, SPF and DMARC protocols. It is the Rust equivalent of OpenDKIM, OpenSPF, OpenARC and OpenDMARC combined in one library (as well as some extras such ARF support). mail-auth includes the following features:

  • DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM):
  • ED25519-SHA256 (Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm), RSA-SHA256 and RSA-SHA1 signing and verification.
  • DKIM Authorized Third-Party Signatures.
  • DKIM failure reporting using the Abuse Reporting Format.
  • Authenticated Received Chain (ARC):
  • ED25519-SHA256 (Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm), RSA-SHA256 and RSA-SHA1 chain verification.
  • ARC sealing.
  • Sender Policy Framework (SPF):
  • Policy evaluation.
  • SPF failure reporting using the Abuse Reporting Format.
  • Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC):
  • Policy evaluation.
  • DMARC aggregate report parsing and generation.
  • Abuse Reporting Format (ARF):
  • Abuse and Authentication failure reporting.
  • Feedback report parsing and generation.

DKIM Signature Verification

        // Create a resolver using Cloudflare DNS
let resolver = Resolver::new_cloudflare_tls().unwrap();

// Parse message
let authenticated_message = AuthenticatedMessage::parse(RFC5322_MESSAGE.as_bytes()).unwrap();

// Validate signature
let result = resolver.verify_dkim(&authenticated_message).await;

// Make sure all signatures passed verification
assert!(result.iter().all(|s| s.result() == &DKIMResult::Pass));

DKIM Signing

        // Sign an e-mail message using RSA-SHA256
let pk_rsa = PrivateKey::from_rsa_pkcs1_pem(RSA_PRIVATE_KEY).unwrap();
let signature_rsa = Signature::new()
.headers(["From", "To", "Subject"])
.sign(RFC5322_MESSAGE.as_bytes(), &pk_rsa)

// Sign an e-mail message using ED25519-SHA256
let pk_ed = PrivateKey::from_ed25519(
let signature_ed = Signature::new()
.headers(["From", "To", "Subject"])
.sign(RFC5322_MESSAGE.as_bytes(), &pk_ed)

// Print the message including both signatures to stdout

ARC Chain Verification

        // Create a resolver using Cloudflare DNS
let resolver = Resolver::new_cloudflare_tls().unwrap();

// Parse message
let authenticated_message = AuthenticatedMessage::parse(RFC5322_MESSAGE.as_bytes()).unwrap();

// Validate ARC chain
let result = resolver.verify_arc(&authenticated_message).await;

// Make sure ARC passed verification
assert_eq!(result.result(), &DKIMResult::Pass);

ARC Chain Sealing

        // Create a resolver using Cloudflare DNS
let resolver = Resolver::new_cloudflare_tls().unwrap();

// Parse message to be sealed
let authenticated_message = AuthenticatedMessage::parse(RFC5322_MESSAGE.as_bytes()).unwrap();

// Verify ARC and DKIM signatures
let arc_result = resolver.verify_arc(&authenticated_message).await;
let dkim_result = resolver.verify_dkim(&authenticated_message).await;

// Build Authenticated-Results header
let auth_results = AuthenticationResults::new("")
.with_dkim_result(&dkim_result, "[email protected]")
.with_arc_result(&arc_result, "".parse().unwrap());

// Seal message
if arc_result.can_be_sealed() {
// Seal the e-mail message using RSA-SHA256
let pk_rsa = PrivateKey::from_rsa_pkcs1_pem(RSA_PRIVATE_KEY).unwrap();
let arc_set = ARC::new(&auth_results)
.headers(["From", "To", "Subject", "DKIM-Signature"])
.seal(&authenticated_message, &arc_result, &pk_rsa)

// Print the sealed message to stdout
println!("{}{}", arc_set.to_header(), RFC5322_MESSAGE)
} else {
eprintln!("The message could not be sealed, probably an ARC chain with cv=fail was found.")

SPF Policy Evaluation

        // Create a resolver using Cloudflare DNS
let resolver = Resolver::new_cloudflare_tls().unwrap();

// Verify HELO identity
let result = resolver
.verify_spf_helo("".parse().unwrap(), "")
assert_eq!(result.result(), SPFResult::Fail);

// Verify MAIL-FROM identity
let result = resolver
.verify_spf_sender("::1".parse().unwrap(), "", "[email protected]")
assert_eq!(result.result(), SPFResult::Fail);

DMARC Policy Evaluation

        // Create a resolver using Cloudflare DNS
let resolver = Resolver::new_cloudflare_tls().unwrap();

// Verify DKIM signatures
let authenticated_message = AuthenticatedMessage::parse(RFC5322_MESSAGE.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let dkim_result = resolver.verify_dkim(&authenticated_message).await;

// Verify SPF MAIL-FROM identity
let spf_result = resolver
.verify_spf_sender("::1".parse().unwrap(), "", "[email protected]")

// Verify DMARC
let dmarc_result = resolver
assert_eq!(dmarc_result.dkim_result(), &DMARCResult::Pass);
assert_eq!(dmarc_result.spf_result(), &DMARCResult::Pass);

More examples available on Github under the examples directory.