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Unlock Multi-Tenancy, Branding, and Fine-Grained Control

· 4 min read
Mauro D.

We are happy to announce that Stalwart Mail Server 0.10.0 is officially here! This latest release brings some exciting new features to help you manage your email infrastructure more effectively. With multi-tenancy, branding, and a robust roles and permissions system, Stalwart is more powerful and flexible than ever before. Let’s dive into what’s new in this release!

Multi-Tenancy: Streamlined Management

Multi-tenancy is a game-changer for anyone managing multiple independent organizations on a single instance of Stalwart Mail Server. Whether you’re a hosting provider or an enterprise with multiple departments, tenants allow you to isolate different organizations, each with its own users, groups, mailing lists, and domains.

Each tenant operates within its own secure space, ensuring privacy and separation from other tenants. You can assign disk quotas to control how much storage each tenant can use and limit the number of accounts, groups, and domains they can create. This is perfect for keeping resources in check while maintaining an organized, scalable environment. Imagine a scenario where a tenant is given 100GB of disk space. If the users within that tenant collectively consume all 100GB, the system prevents them from receiving more email, ensuring no one overuses resources.

Multi-tenancy offers security, control, and scalability—all in one package.

Roles & Permissions: Fine-Tuned Access Control

With the revamped Roles and Permissions system, Stalwart Mail Server 0.10.0 gives you unprecedented control over who can do what in your environment. No more blanket admin accounts! Instead, you can assign specific permissions to individuals, groups, or entire tenants.

Permissions can be bundled into roles, which makes managing access a breeze. Stalwart comes with three built-in roles to get you started: the user role, which grants access to all essential email services; the admin role, which has full control over the system; and the tenant-admin role, which is perfect for tenant or domain administrators, providing just the right amount of access without overstepping into critical system configurations.

This granular permissions model ensures that no one has more access than they need, keeping your system secure while allowing users to perform their required tasks. Whether it’s managing users, updating settings, or overseeing mailing lists, the right permissions are always in the right hands.

Branding: Personalized Web Interface

Another exciting new feature in Stalwart Mail Server 0.10.0 is branding. This feature allows system administrators to customize the look and feel of the webadmin interface by adding logos specific to each tenant or domain.

When a user logs into the webadmin portal, Stalwart checks the domain associated with the request. If a logo has been set for that domain, it will be displayed. If the domain doesn’t have its own logo but is linked to a tenant that does, the tenant’s logo will be used. If neither the domain nor the tenant has a custom logo, the system defaults to the logo defined in the configuration. If no logo is defined, the trusty Stalwart logo makes an appearance. This feature ensures that your tenants can enjoy a fully branded experience, making the platform feel even more tailored to their organization.

Enterprise-Only Features: Multi-Tenancy & Branding

It’s important to note that while Roles and Permissions are available in all versions of Stalwart Mail Server, the Multi-tenancy and Branding features are part of the Enterprise package. These advanced tools are designed for organizations with more complex needs, providing flexibility and customization options tailored to large-scale environments.

Support Stalwart: It Costs Less Than Netflix!

We’ve worked hard to keep Stalwart open and accessible to everyone, but if you want to unlock Enterprise features and support the continued development of Stalwart, please consider subscribing to a Stalwart Enterprise License. It costs less than your Netflix or Spotify Premium subscription and will help us continue building exciting new features, including upcoming developments like CalDAV, CardDAV, WebDAV, and JMAP for contacts, calendars, and tasks.

By subscribing, not only do you unlock advanced functionality, but you also contribute to the growth of a project committed to providing a powerful, open mail server solution for all.

Thank you for being part of the Stalwart community. We hope you enjoy these new features as much as we enjoyed building them, and we look forward to bringing you even more great updates in the future. If you’re interested in learning more about Stalwart Enterprise or obtaining a license, feel free to reach out to us.

Happy mailing!